Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Sierra Leone: Tree-Planting Champions of Sierra Leone – Leading the Fight Against Climate Change, One Seedling At a Time

With her watering can in hand, Mariam Albert carefully sprinkles each of the many tree seedlings that cover the ground around her.

Someday these young trees will bear fruits and nuts, and provide oil, cacao and wood for local communities. Just as importantly, they will help diminish the impacts of climate change and deforestation, while providing a vital source of local income.

The tree seedlings were planted by Miriam and others in a community nursery as part of the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society’s (SLRCS) Tree Planting and Care Project. As one of the project’s Tree Planting and Care Champions, Miriam sees her hard work as not just a duty; it is a passionate pursuit to secure a greener and healthier future for generations to come.

“I take deep pride in seeing my community embrace our initiative,” she says. “The trees not only provide green cover but also benefit families nutritionally and economically. This is because we focus on fruit trees like cashew, oil palm, cacao, avocado, and timber trees such as Gmelina”.

Her role as a Tree Planting and Care Champion goes beyond tending for plants. It’s also about inspiring a sense of environmental stewardship among fellow members of the Gbandi community, within the Baoma chiefdom of Bo District, Sierra Leone.

Her responsibilities are multifaceted. She mobilizes the community, educating them on the importance of nurturing seeds, transplanting them, and providing ongoing care. Her leadership is pivotal in organizing regular community activities centered on environmental conservation.

The key aims of SLRCS’s Tree Planting and Care Project are combating deforestation, promoting biodiversity, and mitigating climate change. It’s a vital response to the urgent need for environmental action in Sierra Leone and beyond.

5 billion new trees across Africa by 2030