Friday, June 21, 2024

Mother of 7 Makes History, First African American to Earn Ph.D. in Survey Methodology – Black Enterprise

April 28, 2021
Alena Maze is an ambitious, married mother of seven children who are being raised in a multicultural blended family. POPSUGAR mentioned that her husband is Korean. Lee is African American. Raising children is a great feat within itself, but Lee recently became the first African American person in history to receive a Ph.D. in the field of Survey Methodology.
On Facebook, Maze celebrated her victory by announcing that she successfully passed her Ph.D. dissertation defense. She added that her history-making accomplishment is specifically tied to her achievement to becoming the first African American to earn a Ph.D. in the field, in the entire world.
“That also means I’m currently the only Black person to hold a Ph.D. in this degree. My dream was to inspire other Black girls and women to achieve the highest education they could in their field. To reach higher.  Never did I think my love of Math and Health would lead me to being a “first” in Black History,” Maze explained in a post.  “After 5-6 years of hard research, I spent the last 3 months shut up in my office space, focused only on two things: finishing my variance derivations and estimations. During this time I encountered God’s love, through a divine meeting with His Holy Spirit in a way I cannot wait to share. His Love has been enough for me to manifest anything I desire to do, be or become. It’s Dr. Maze now !!!”
Maze further explained that her job entails researching the math behind surveys. Nevertheless, Lee somehow finds time to participate in another venture with her children and spouse. According to the family’s website, Maze and her husband, Joe Lee, also bring high-quality family-oriented multicultural media to YouTube through cinematic vlogs. The parents document their journey as a manner of finding their purpose in the will of God.

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