Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Founder of Black Woman-Owned Streaming Service Launches Platform to Fund Stories Told by Black Creators –

Deshuna Spencer, Founder of Kweli TV and Kweli Fund
NationwidekweliTV, the premier streaming service celebrating Black culture from around the globe, announces the launch of kweliFUND, a groundbreaking crowdfunding platform designed exclusively for its nearly 500 creators. The platform aims to revolutionize the crowdfunding experience by providing a curated space for backers to support diverse Black storytellers while enjoying direct access to their work.

Founder and CEO of kweliTV, DeShuna Spencer, expressed excitement about the launch, stating: “At kweliTV, we are dedicated to amplifying authentic Black voices and narratives. With kweliFUND, we’re not only providing a lifeline for our creators but also offering backers a unique opportunity to directly contribute to the growth of Black storytelling worldwide.”
kweliFUND sets itself apart by offering a streamlined experience for backers, featuring only 3-10 campaigns at a time to ensure quality over quantity. Each project is meticulously vetted, with 98% of the creators having participated in film festivals and 65% boasting award-winning accolades. Backers can easily navigate the platform, browsing through projects and accessing the creator’s work directly on kweliTV for a comprehensive understanding of their vision and style.
Theo Hollingsworth, an acclaimed filmmaker whose original animated, sci-fi series, ‘Sirius Lee’ is streaming exclusively on kweliTV, shared his enthusiasm for being a part of the inaugural group of creators on kweliFUND, saying: “This initiative represents a pivotal moment for Black filmmakers like myself, providing us with a dedicated space to bring our stories to life with the support of our community. ‘Sirius Lee’ is a project that is deeply meaningful to me, and I am grateful for the opportunity to engage directly with our audience through kweliFUND… I look forward to seeing the positive impact it will have on the future of filmmaking.”
The platform aims to foster a sense of community and collaboration, empowering backers to support filmmakers who are pushing boundaries and shaping the cultural landscape. Some of the inaugural campaigns include:
5G, a groundbreaking, experimental anthology musical film and soundtrack
Kimpa Vita, a feature film about the revolutionary woman in the Kingdom of Kongo
Rorisang & The Gurlz, an AfroPop teen comedy series
Sirius Lee and the Multiverse Mix-up, an animated, time-traveling series based in Oakland
Soul In Motion 40, a celebration of 40 years in arts with a live African dance concert
The Adventures of Turtle Taido, an animated children’s series sharing Africa with the world
The Rainmaking Ceremony, a documentary chronicling the sacred ceremony at the Njelele Shrine in Zimbabwe
“kweliFUND represents our commitment to empowering Black storytellers and providing them with the resources they need to thrive,” said DeShuna Spencer. “We believe in the power of storytelling to create meaningful change, and with kweliFUND, we’re building a platform where creators can bring their visions to life and connect with supporters who share our passion for Black culture.”
To learn more about kweliFUND and support Black stories, visit For media inquiries, please email:
kweliTV is a Black-owned streaming platform that’s leading the way in curating award-winning and critically acclaimed independent Black film, documentaries, web series, kids shows, animation, audio and immersive experiences from around the world. With nearly 1,500 hours of programming, kweliTV is accessible anywhere in the world and distributed to several mobile and TV apps, platforms and educational institutions. Kweli means truth in Swahili. Their mission is to curate, distribute and produce film, TV, audio, and immersive media that truly celebrates and reflects the global Black experience. They aim to reshape the Black narrative, dismantle implicit bias, and increase visibility and economic inclusion for nearly 500 creators.
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